Tag Archives: 4th of July

Happy 4th of July and all that Jazz

I’ve finally forced myself to sit down and write again. I could give excuse after excuse, one of them being “who really gives a rat’s a**?” But at the end of the day the only person I truly have to answer to is myself and the inside of my head knows the truth. One can lie to oneself easily – but what purpose does that actually serve? Many of us have good excuses for not getting in the needed amount of exercise in our lives – but what it really boils down to is the fact that it just isn’t important enough to us – because what is factually important to us we will be sure to take care of. Some people call it priorities, but whatever. I’m not on here to get into philosophy today. I just want to make a point to myself. So – Happy 4th of July – whatever that means. 4th of July to me has evolved & changed over the years but the one thing that remains the number one requirement is FIREWORKS. The 4th is not complete without some type of Fireworks. Sure, bbq hotdogs and burgers are great but I have them often enough that the food requirements are no longer an issue. Explosives are another thing altogether. The loud boom! Pop! crackle! that follow the bright sparkles of color is the American way to celebrate the 4th and I always look forward to a good fireworks show. Even a bad show will do – just as long as I am seeing the colorful sparks, hearing the loud sounds of explosions and smelling the burning powder, then I am a ‘happy camper’ on our American holiday.


Filed under Random Thoughts, Uncategorized, Writing